Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bump In The Night

MIKE: Clearly, I dropped the ball.  The week before Christmas was exceptionally busy but that shouldn't be an excuse.  Sorry!  I read the whole book way before but I was sloppy in my execution.  I will make a meager attempt at a response.

Regarding the Ghost of Christmas Present, I thought it was interesting how he/she/it grew old in the span of the day.  Actually, it was with this ghost that I found most deviations from the theatrical productions.  For example, Scrooge flies over the sea and views men and women wishing each other a merry Christmas.  I think I understand why this is left out of theater productions.  First, it'd be very difficult to present this on a stage and secondly, it was kind of dull.  It wasn't really about the people we care about in the story.  

The Ghost of Christmas Future was strange and I'm not sure Scrooge really needed him to hit the message home.  He might even say something to that effect.  But I suppose Dickens has to follow through on his plan to show the past, present, and future.  I liked the third Ghost the most also.  He/she/it seemed very ominous.  How much longer does Scrooge have, anyway?  What are the dates on the gravestone!  The world wants to know!!!  

This was a good read in December.  It made me feel Christmasy as well.  I wonder why there aren't more Christmas novels like A Christmas Carol.  Is it because we don't want to read them until December?  Or is it because THE Christmas story is this one and no other can compete? Anyway, good read.

I'll email about our next book.  And I promise to do better at updating!